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Friday, February 29, 2008

Joshua Got Saved!!!

During the first night of our revival services (Jan 20, 2008), Joshua went forward at invitation to pray with Dan. Dan asked him what he wanted to pray for and Josh said he wanted to pray for his friend Allison to get saved. Dan decided he would go over the plan of salvation with Josh again. When he finished, he asked Josh if he wanted to trust Jesus as his Saviour. In case you didn't read the title of this post:) he did. When Josh and Dan came back to the pew, I asked Josh what he prayed about. He said "I asked Jesus to be my Saviour." Words cannot describe how I felt when he told me. Those of you who have children that have been saved will understand. Hopefully, I will have pictures of his baptism posted soon. I have to get some pics from my mom, since our camera died right before pastor baptized him...of course.