The kids were given birthday money to get a pool this summer. So we bought one of those pools where you just blow up the top ring and add water:) Well, after tilling an area in the yard, leveling it out, leveling it out again, blowing up the ring, filling it with water, realizing it really wasn't level, emptying the pool, going to the hardware store to buy sand and a level, spreading out sand and really leveling it again, filling it up again, putting together the ladder, and figuring out the pool filter and chemicals... we FINALLY have a pool! (Yes, I do know that was a run on sentence.) Thankfully, the kids are really enjoying swimming, even if they weren't I think Dan would make them go swimming every day just to get our moneys worth. Well, hope you enjoy the pics.
It looks like they were having fun. It looks like a nice pool too. Now that's up you'll have lots of fun:0)
That is hilarious. I think I only heard part of the story the other day. Sounds like something that would happen around here.
The best part about summer is spending quality time in the pool dunking and splashing your kids!! Its the only time you can get away with being mischief and passing it off as fun ...lol Love you guys!!
Hi there,
Glad you're all enjoying the summer!Looks like a wonderful sunny day with these photos...we've had a lot of rain here in South GA... but that's ok, we need it :)
Should be going into hsp this weekend so Nathanael can discover America... if he's ready, I know that we are excited to meet him :) Say hi to your Mom for me.
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